2 chairs contemplate the COLDWATER RIVER

If there is a more peaceful village than Coldwater, Ontario, I would be surprised. The Coldwater River flows through town and north to Georgian Bay. This spot is very very close to the “downtown core” of the village. I took this shot standing on an old Bailey Bridge section. Some wonderful large. old wood and brick homes along this part of the river.

In September, Coldwater has one of the best fall fairs in central Ontario.  Just across Hwy 12 at the south end of the village is the Coldwater Canadiana Museum, small but delightful.

Equipment – SONY NEX F3 with lens adapter to mount Contax/Yashica mount Tokina mf 28-70 zoom lens f3.5, shot at f11. Modified image using Corel Paint Shop Pro x5.

Fort Verde – US Army Post – Apache Wars era in Arizona

taken in 1998 with a Sony Mavica Fd 7 digital camera…. I wonder how far advanced digital cameras will be ten years from today. Note the width of those floorboards. This fort had no wall or palisade, just a collection of small buildings. 1880s era when th US Army fought the Apaches.

rare photo of the u-shaped golden

Image representing Sony as depicted in CrunchBase
Image via CrunchBase

taken of Grace, the wonder dog, in 2010 using a Sony H50 digital camera

Kodak Pony 135 camera

Kodak Pony 135   camera uses 35mm film.

  • series of Bakelite bodied small format cameras designed by Arthur H Crapsey
  • in the Kodak lineup between the roll film Brownie and the 35mm Signet series
  • lack rangefinders
  • simple viewfinders
  • glass lenses, the 3 element Anastons and the four element Anastars
  • variable speed, manually cocked Kodak synchronized shutters. Shutter release/film advance interlock (with bypass switch) prevents double exposures.
  • Knobs are used for film advance and rewind.

I bought this used and below are some sample photos from 2005. The miniature mountain lion is the late great Sundance Kid, my small feline zen master buddy. RIP golden guy.

My sister holding miniature mountain lion

lion in sun


related links:

The Living Museum Vintage Cameras: Pony 135

a thread on Photo.net where I posted sample photos from my Pony 135 and an interesting discussion developed about the quality of the photos and the relatively low cost of the camera, including the zone focusing of the camera.

photo.net Pony 135 discussion


Nikon D3100 DSLR – starting out

just bought one today, my treat to me,  still unpacking, charging battery and getting ready to take baby steps with it.

It is an awkward time to be buying , a new digital camera with the new kids on the block,  CMOS sized sensored mirrorless interchangeable cameras just getting onto the market blurring the line between point and shoot and dslr….

a camera out of the old film slr tradition with some size and an actual viewfinder which is what I used in my film days, had the strongest attraction for me.

I did a lot of research and paid attention to Ken Rockwell and to dpreview.com

some  first shots today:


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