Greenwich, a photographic view


Originally uploaded by canuckshutterer.
I was rummaging through some old diskettes and came across this scan file of a photo print of Greenwich, England. This is from a trip either in 1993 or 1996. More likely 93. I love London and have been there three times. Maybe I will get back soon. The camera in question a Pentax PZ-1 and a 28-80 Pentax FA zoom lens 3.5 – 4.5 aperture. I went to the National Maritime Museum there but was lazy and did not walk all the way up the hill to the Observatory. Near where my cruise boat docked two ships were berthed: Chichester’s solo global circumnavigation tiny ship and the Cutty Sark. In those days you could tour aboard the Cutty Sark. Now I believe it is in dire need of restoration.

dragon, small – warming on the stove

I am not the only one grown tired of winter and too much snow…..this green dragon, friend of my dog, Shakey, is warming his tootsies on the stove. We are all ready for Spring to arrive.

snow banks

I was driving up the hill section of Hugel Avenue in Midland, Ontario today and when I got on the top flat section on my way to the smallish mall to return some movie DVDs I noticed a woman walking along the sidewalk. I could see her and in her hand a leash that seemed to be connected to a dog. However, the snow bank was high enough to conceal the canine. In fact, short of a great dane or shetland pony, I would still have to take it on faith that I was not seeing a recreation of the dog walking episode from Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.

yellow hydrant advertising for a red hot hydrant girlfriend

yellow hydrant advertising for a red hydrant girlfriend

Originally uploaded by canuckshutterer.

it was -23 Celsius and I asked him how the advertising campaign was going but he wouldn’t say a word.

That is his house in the background.

snow track

snow track

Originally uploaded by canuckshutterer.

Lately I have been making a list of tracks in the snow I have noticed this winter: dog, cat, squirrel, rabbit, people, birds, snowmobiles, cars, and this big foot track belongs to a snow plow, that was using one of the short beach access roads for a place to shove some of the large amount of snow we have had lately.

snow road stroll -23 C wind chill

snow road

Originally uploaded by canuckshutterer.

I decided to stretch my legs with a stroll and found out after I came in that it was a little colder than I had thought: -23 C with the wind chill. Took my Nikon 5700 along and took a few shots. I made sure when I came in that my camera was in its bag and allowed it a lot of time to warm up to avoid condensation doing bad things to the electronics. Along the way two dogs challenged me with some barking. I barked back. This seemed to confuse them. One, a border collie, turned his head to one side as if to figure out how I had learned to bark.