fog today

I like fog, don’t get enough of it hereabouts. Yesterday and today and I understand from the weather folk, two more days then

the thermometer going to drop big time.

We have had an odd November this year, snow (6 inches that stuck) in the first week, then cool, then warm and sunny for about three days, now rain and fog. I have positioned the snow shovels on the deck, the ice chipper on the deck. One last thing — I need to get my snow tires (on 4 rims) swapped for my nice weather tires (on rims) before the avalanche.

Yesterday in the evening the dog growled at the small snowman that the neighbours put out. They haven’t lit him up yet. But Shakey growled anyway. Reminded me of the growl and bark routine his late sister, Diamond, used to come up with when she would face those Halloween leaf garbage bags with the Jack ‘o Lantern faces. She did not like those at all. Hardly ever heard her bark. When she did let it out, it reminded me that she was 105 lbs of big golden dog-wolf, not to be messed with lightly. Miss her. Lost her in March. Shakey turns 8 in December, I think a hamburger cake is in order.

software painting “Crucifix” 1999

“Crucifix” 1999

This piece was created using a software image editing program.

The sequence was to first create a multi-coloured square shape.

Then the square was skewed (stretched), doubled, inverted, aligned. This was done to make two mirrored symmetry pairs.

These two pairs were then positioned relative to each other and a drop shadow effect was then applied.

[Scan of the matted, framed inkjet printed image, using an Epson Perfection 2450.]

Old digital image from 2001 – garden show geometry and zen

This was taken by me in March of 2001 at a huge indoor garden show in Toronto. I can still remember heading towards the display areas by escalator and walkway and smelling the perfume of all the flowers waiting ahead. Beyond intoxicating in the depths of late winter in Toronto.

Camera was a Sony Mavica FD-7, which produced massive 25-45kb files and stored them on 3.5 inch microdiskettes.

Some adjustments to this old image made today using Paint Shop Pro 9

bin here, bin filled, bin gone

A major item on the to do list got done last week. The cottage was built in 1969/70 here on Georgian Bay. A few years later a one car garage kit was put up as a boathouse/storage building. Since the late 1980s, the water level receded and the 14 foot aluminum boat has sat in the boat house along with its cradle and boat track rails waiting for the Bay to come back. It hasn’t. During the 1990s, my father and mother passed away after some illnesses and the boathouse continued to accumulate materials of various kinds.

Also around the property, bits and pieces of decks and stairs and even some original yellow plywood window flaps had been tucked away in various corners. Dock sections and shore line defense (wire baskets known as gabeons). The guiding principle was “keep it for it might be useful down the road”.

Well, practically none of it has turned out to be useful. So after much discussion and some procrastination, a bin was ordered. What size do you order? Hard to say. But a 20 yarder was dropped off bright and early one Wednesday morning. It was scheduled for a week’s stay.

30 years = 1.65 metric tonnes

Now, I have a history of blowing out my back. It goes back to my 18th year when a boulder needed shifting on the property here and no bulldozer was available, so I volunteered and damaged my lower transverse ligaments. Since then periodically, my back goes “out”. Having developed a good sized gut over the years has not helped. So I decided to take it slow and easy.

The first day I worked for about 45 minutes loading stuff carefully along one side of the bin. I wanted to leave room for some sizable wooden dock sections. To move these I had asked for some help. Two fellows were going to come by on the Friday. I did another 45 minute session of loading and called it a day.

That night it snowed and kept on snowing to the tune of 6 inches. I spent time on Thursday pulling pieces of this and that out of the corners of the boathouse. Friday I just stared at the snow trying to will it to melt. The fellows did not come on Friday. On Saturday more work pulling things out and getting them stacked up to load. Sunday the snow finally melted away. Monday morning I did a little more work loading and then sat down to wait and see if the two fellows were going to come as planned at 9:30 am. If they showed up, then the dock would go in. If they did not, the space I had preserved in the bin for the dock would go to other items and the dock would have to go next year.

They showed, well, one guy showed, not good news. It meant that I would have to help move five dock sections planked tops over a 2 inch x12inch frame structure 5 feet x8 feet long. Heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, and slightly less heavy (one section was a little smaller than the rest).

My back began to ache as we sized them up. However, after a little fussing and thinking, we ended up tipping them up on their ends and flipping them over and over on their ends to the bin, a distance of about 80 feet. My back survived. Three old sets of wooden deck steps got sledge hammered into pieces and the morning’s work was done. Thanks to Jamie the dock sections made it into the bin. I did about 25% of the hefting on those, he did the rest.

30 years worth getting picked up

Tuesday some more odds and ends: old glass windows, two old lead pane windows from the old 1939 built North Toronto house (why they got brought up I will never know), old lawn mower, old curtain tracks, bits of metal, my mother’s old wheelchair (should have donated that back in 1996 the year of her death), old fibre board, pieces of 1970 panelling quarter inch plywood, old shingles (been sitting for 20 years outside), and old this and old that and I was done. Totally beat.

Called Wednesday morning and they picked it up around noon.

30 years of stuff rolling away

1.65 metric tonnes = 3638.25 pounds
that is a lot of stuff – 30 years worth

Martin Gilbert – Kristallnacht : Prelude to Destruction

Kristallnacht = the night of broken glass

I have been reading this detailed account of the attack on Jews made in Germany on November 10, 1938. One detail I think I will never forget: teachers handing out clubs to school children so that they might go and smash store windows and Jews.

in the Introduction, Gilbert quotes Martin Luther in his 1543 pastoral letter, On the Jews and Their Lies, that the synagogues of the Jews “should be set on fire, and whatever does not burn up should be covered or spread over with dirt so that no one may be able to see a cinder or stone of it. And this ought to be done for the honour of God…”

Nov. 10, 1938 = “More than a thousand synagogues were set on fire and destroyed. Where it was thought that fire might endanger nearby non-Jewish buildings, the rioters smashed the synagogues with hammers and axes.”

“Tens of thousands of Jewish shops and homes were ransacked….In twenty four hours of violence, ninety-one Jews were killed….more than 30,000 Jewish men between the ages of sixteen and sixty — a quarter of all Jewish men still in Germany — were arrested and sent to concentration camps.”

An important book to read.

Churchill Tank WW II heavy tank

Churchill Tank WW II heavy tank

Originally uploaded by “canuckshutterer” wj gibson.

Today I revisited the museum at Canadian Forces Base Borden, west of Barrie, Ontario, Canada…..part of my remembrance of those who gave their lives.

across to Port McNicholl

across to Port McNichol

Originally uploaded by “canuckshutterer” wj gibson.

the old grain elevators at Port as seen from the Albert St. dock in Victoria Harbour, Ontario taken around noon on November 8, 2006. (Nikon 5700 camera zoomed out to 280mm equivalent – so you can see it is a fair way across to Port).
clarify function in PSP 9 used to manipulate brightness and contrast

there is talk of a major real estate development over at Port

there used to be major gardens and major dock there for Great Lakes passenger ships, the grain ships came down from Thunder Bay (Port Arthur and Fort William in those days) up at the top of Lake Superior.

men who died building the Empire State Building

“On January 31, 1931, two Italian day laborers, Luis DeDominichi and Guiseppi Tedeschi, died as the result of a fall. Four others — steelworker Reuben Brown and carpenters Sigus Andreasen, Frank Sullivan, and A. Carlson — would join them before construction was complete.”

Nearest Thing to Heaven: the empire state building and american dreams by Mark Kingwell