Update on my health

I am still in the Midland hospital and suspect that I will be here for a while longer.

The good news is that things are improving and I am entering into the rehab mode.

Hopefully I will be back to my old self by spring.

Author: William J. Gibson

62 year old - writer/photographer Canadian, survived open heart surgery, received kidney transplant, sometimes dour, sometimes amusing, over six feet in height, severely follicle challemged

5 thoughts on “Update on my health”

  1. So sorry to hear you got your booty stuck in the hospital… again! I do hope you have just a couple months to get back to your old photographer self. Looking forward to your spring shots! 🙂

  2. Bill, I have been wondering how you are doing, and I finally figured out that there might be news here on your blog. I am glad to hear things have been improving and hope they will continue! The days are getting longer, so spring is nearly here, and I look forward to seeing more pictures over on Flick and good news about your health.
    Philip. (Felip1 on Flickr)

    1. Thanks for passing along this very sad news. Bill was a wonderful fellow. For ten years I followed his photographs and his poems, and indeed his vignettes of life in his world. I have missed him for some time already but hoped he would get better. I think there are many others like me who for ten years followed him “virtually.” All the best to his sister, and to the rest of his family and friends in the Midland area.

  3. I was so sorry to hear of Bill’s passing but I am relieved his long bouts of pain are over. He struggled nobly and kept a dignified and graceful account of his illness that was an inspiration to us all. I first met Bill at St. Michael’s College in Toronto in the 1970s, and have always known him to be a thoughtful and creative fellow. For years he has brought us his beautiful photography, essays and poetry here at this web site and on his Instagram and other social media. My condolences to his sister and friends, and hope you can find a way to archive this blog.

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